Board Communiqué for 17 December

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Extra-ordinary Board Meeting – 16 December 2020

The new Board met in person and via Teams. Two items were deemed necessary to address before Christmas, and the first scheduled Board meeting on 26 February 2021. Due respects were made to the fallen.

The Board Charter

The Chair confirmed with the other directors that this was an extra-ordinary meeting and therefore they agreed that the election of the Chair, as required under the Board Charter to occur at the first meeting after the AGM, would be conducted at the first scheduled meeting in February.  Ms Sophie Ray would remain Chair until the meeting scheduled for 26 February 2021.

Letter from the ACNC Chair

The Board considered a letter from the ACNC (Australian Charities and Not for profits Commission) Commissioner, Mr Gary Johns provided in response to RSL (Returned & Services League) NSW’s Annual Report against its Enforceable Undertaking obligations.

The Board agreed that the letter should be passed to all sub-Branches and respective sub-Branch Presidents requested to inform all sub-Branch members about its contents. Respective District Council Presidents will also be asked to assure the Board by 31 March 2020, through ANZAC House, that every sub-Branch in their respective Districts have received and understood the letter. The letter reminds every sub-Branch of their obligations as a charity, especially as it pertains to the charitable purpose.

The Board agreed that the letter be distributed under a Circular that will also confirm an interim policy about sub-Branches subsidising membership fees.

Finally the Board, noting the significant compliance obligations of a charity, agreed to the intended approach around education/training support to sub-Branch executives as indicated in the Strategic Plan.

RSL NSW position on the proposed revocation of the Meritorious Unit Citation bestowed on Special Operations Task Groups which served in Afghanistan.

The Board noted the members’ feedback and considered and agreed with the RSL National position that it is premature to revoke any awards until a proper judicial process is undertaken, and individual positions should be considered. The final RSL NSW position is to be uploaded on the RSL NSW website.

Future Meeting

The first scheduled meeting of the new RSL Board will occur on 26 February 2021.