Circular – 25 March 2019

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State Tribunal

As members are aware, the RSL NSW Constitution (Clause 9.1) allows for the establishment of a State Tribunal to:

  1. discipline, reprimand, suspend or expel sub-Branches, Subsidiaries or Members;
  2. deal with complaints, disputes and grievances from sub-Branches, Subsidiaries or Members within the jurisdiction of RSL NSW;
  3. hear and determine appeals from sub-Branch or Board disciplinary hearings; and
  4. carry out such other directions of State Executive from time to time, ancillary to these powers.

At its recent meeting, the Board of RSL NSW agreed to reinstitute the Tribunal in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws. As such, expressions of interest are now sought from Service or Life Members who are interested in serving on the Tribunal. By-Law 4 outlines that a minimum of five (5) Members and one (1) Registrar are required for the Tribunal.

Members interested in serving on the Tribunal should make themselves familiar with Clause 9 of the Constitution, By-Law 4 and the Dispute Resolution Regulation before submitting an expression of interest.

In order to respond to this expression of interest, members must submit a one-page letter addressed to the State Secretary outlining their suitability against the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated knowledge of the RSL NSW Constitution and By-Laws
  • Experience in dispute resolution
  • Communications skills
  • RSL NSW experience/involvement
  • Any other experience relevant to the Tribunal process

Submissions should be emailed to by close of business Friday 12 April 2019. Submissions will then be reviewed by the nominations committee and recommended to the Board for consideration.


Jeff O’Brien

State Secretary