Board Communiqué for 5 October 2023

Out-of-Session Board Meeting 5 October 2023

The RSL NSW Board met via teams for an Out-of-Session meeting.  Due respect to the fallen were made by the President. The Chair acknowledged Country.

Matter for Decision

Disciplinary Recommendation

The Board convened this meeting to consider a Disciplinary Recommendation made by the RSL NSW Tribunal.

After a lengthy period of support offered to the sub-Branch by ANZAC House, the matter was referred to the RSL NSW Tribunal. This matter was the subject of a Review Determination that was initiated by the Respondent and conducted under the provisions of Appendix D of the RSL NSW Constitution.

The Board resolved to uphold the recommendation of the Tribunal to revoke the Charter of the sub-Branch for breaches of the RSL NSW Constitution, Standard Operating Procedures, and a failure to apply their funds to the Charitable Purpose.

The next Board meeting is scheduled for 2 November 2023.